Karuma Bridge Expansion Joint Installation

The expansion joints are presently being fitted into the bridge deck’s steel bars by the team.
The Rehabilitation of Karuma Bridge Is Almost Finished

Formwork installation is about 80% finished, which represents a significant milestone, according to Eng Lawrence Pario, UNRA’s head of bridges and structures.
Sironko Bridge Is Closed by UNRA Due to Fractures

The Sironko-Muyembe route has been stopped by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), citing the necessity to protect drivers due to the deterioration of the Nalugugu bridge.
Contractor Given July 15 Deadline to Finish Arua Bridges

The contractor for the two Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development Additional Financing (USMID-AF) bridges in Arua has been given instructions by State Minister of Lands Obiga Kania, who is in charge of urban development, to finish the project by July 15 of this year.
The Elevated Walkway of the Clock Tower Illuminates Kampala Nights

Queens Way’s Clock Tower was surrounded by a pedestrian ring walkway that has excited and relieved both drivers and pedestrians. This week, in conjunction with the next week’s G77+China and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summits, the embedded lights along the walkway’s steel bars came on.
UNRA Seals Off Aging Nyakambu Bridge For Urgent Repairs

The decision was made to close the road so that engineers could begin the bridge’s repair, according to Eng. Doreen Kukunda, the Ibanda area manager for UNRA, which is in charge of the construction of the Kabwohe-Nyakambu-Buhweju route where the bridge is located.
After A Year-Long Closure, Building On The Kaboloi Bridge Has Begun

After bringing up the matter in the House of Representatives, according to Kaala, she collaborated with her colleagues Polycarp Ogwari (Agule), Derrick Orone (Gogonyo), Sam Otukol (Pallisa), Richard Oseku Oriebo (Kibale), and Patrick Duchu, the chairperson of the Pallisa District, to submit a report to the Ministry of Works and Transport.