The National Integrated Quality Improvement (QI) database was developed in collaboration with the Standards, Compliance, Accreditation and Patient Protection (SCAPP) department of the Ministry of Health (MoH) by the Makerere University School of Public Health’s Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Support (MakSPH-METS) Program and the Health Information Systems Program (HISP).
The online database tracks both qualitative and quantitative innovations and projects from the point of enrollment, identifies improvement due to changes, indicates progress, and measures performance all the way to summarizing observations. It aims to streamline the implementation of Quality Improvement at all health sector levels in the country.
With the help of this innovation, MoH will be able to keep track of Quality Improvement initiatives made across the country and inevitably raise the standard of healthcare delivered in healthcare institutions. The database provides a straightforward dashboard that enables users to work with data at all levels to direct decision-making.
This intervention will encourage the use of electronic-based systems to track and enhance accountability for national healthcare quality improvement initiatives.
The Commissioner of Health Services, Dr. Martin Ssendyona, opened the national ToT and underlined the importance of monitoring and documenting QI activity. He told the audience that the Ministry of Health will support the establishment of this database.
Participants in the program included quality improvement officers and focal individuals from each of the 16 regional referral hospitals in the nation as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health’s SCAPP department, Division of Health Information, and Division of Information Communications Technology (ICT).
The CQI database rollout is planned to begin at the central level (headquarters) and proceed through district health offices, regional referral hospitals, and health facilities.
The training of national trainers (ToT) took conducted in January at the Ridar Hotel in Seeta, Mukono District as part of METS’s goal to facilitate the system’s nationwide rollout.