In order to encourage ICT and computer literacy among students, the vice president also gave brand-new computers to Toroma Secondary School and Toroma Peas High School.
Alupo urged the students to use the tools in order to stay relevant in this fast-paced IT world and to sacrificially protect the boreholes.
The vice president counseled youngsters to stay in school and complete their degree.
“Keep in mind that your body are God’s temple. Avoid leading a heedless lifestyle. Avoid consuming anything harsh. Success requires discipline beyond anything else. She informed the happy pupils, “We value you and look forward to your outstanding academic success.
She also recommended youngsters to get involved in commercial agriculture early because there are a lot of job prospects there.
“We must engage in agricultural activity with the intention of finding profitable employment. We’re all farmers, which is fortunate,” Alupo remarked.
She also explained to the students that after engaging in commercial agriculture, they should enter the industrial sector to add value to their agricultural output and so generate additional jobs for young people.
She continued by saying that because it fosters creativity, ICT is another industry that instructors should try to get their kids interested in. She also urged students and instructors to embrace the goods and services sector, pointing out that it too offers a lot of job prospects, particularly in the hotel tourism industry.

The Vice President concluded by praising Nile Development Agency for their collaboration to benefit humanity.
Issa Kiralire, the managing director of the Nile Development Agency, remarked that women and small children have been particularly impacted by the shortage of water and boreholes while speaking on the sidelines of the commissioning event.
They would go a great distance to the local water source, which was typically busy, according to Kiralire.
He clarified that the Nile Development Agency digs boreholes on shared land for the community’s use in order to enhance community health and an easily available water supply. “One member of the community is entrusted to take full responsibility of its management,” he stated. “This will ensure sustainability of the borehole.”
Kiralire lauded the vice president as a selfless leader who has served her community and all of Uganda. She also congratulated the citizens of Katakwi for electing the vice president to serve as their local representative.
The Nile Development Agency recently presented 100 cows to the Katakwi area residents during the Eid celebrations.