UNRA Cautions on Road Safety

“Driving, or walking through flooded areas is not advisable as it is difficult to determine the depth and strength of the water which can result in loss of property and death,”

National Agricultural Information System to be Created by Ministry

In order to provide farmers with information about weather patterns, soils, and markets as well as advice on contemporary agricultural techniques to increase efficiency, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries (MAAIF) plans to establish a National Agricultural Information System.

Vitol to Assume Control of Uganda’s Petroleum Supply.

Energy Minister Ruth Nankabirwa thundered a statement of liberty, pointing out that a startling 90% of Uganda’s petroleum imports currently pass through the complicated routes of Kenyan affiliates.

She declared, “Uganda will no longer be bound by the caprices of supply interruptions and excessive pump costs,” removing the constraints of the antiquated framework.

EU Pledges 60 Million euros to Upgrade Ugandan Power Plants.

The EU’s ambassador to Uganda, Jan Sadek, gave a compelling speech at a mining conference in Kampala to introduce this revolutionary project. “We intend to invest approximately 60 million euros towards the restoration of Kiira and Nalubaale hydropower plants, with the goal of securing dependable energy for Uganda’s industrial development.”

Government’s e-tax System to Increase Revenue Collection

The system, called the “Electronic Local Government Revenue Collection System,” or “E-LogRev,” uses automated processes for reporting income to local government units and for billing, taxpayer registration, assessment, payment, reconciliation, and enforcement.