Airtel Uganda activates Its First 5G site.

The 5G Network can support up to 1 million linked devices per square kilometer.


Mengo, 30 July 2023: To improve connectivity and digital inclusiveness in Uganda, Airtel Uganda, A Reason to Imagine, has today launched the country’s first 5G site at Bulange in Mengo. The declaration was made today at a news conference held in Bulange.

After requesting a spectrum from the Uganda Communications Commission to begin rolling out the 5G network throughout the nation, Airtel Uganda performed tests on 11 4G sites in Kampala in February of this year.

The fifth-generation mobile network, or 5G, provides a new type of network that is intended to connect practically everyone and everything together at very fast speeds, including machines, objects, and gadgets. It offers more customers a more consistent user experience, huge network capacity, better multi-Gbps peak data rates, and greater stability.

Manoj Murali, the managing director of Airtel Uganda, declared: “We recently announced that Airtel Uganda secured the 5G spectrum to start its deployment across the city, and today we are pleased to activate our first site here at Bulange, in Mengo.”

“There is a constant need to improve connectivity so that our people can access improved telecommunication services via Airtel’s 5G Network, to connect families and friends to their loved ones, as well as businesses to their existing customers or new prospects,” he continued. The Central Business District, which houses Mengo, is known for its high socio-economic activity.

Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo, executive director of the Uganda Communications Commission, praised Airtel Uganda for launching 5G because it will ensure that we have fast speeds that will support the transformation of our various sectors, including agriculture, which is our main economic activity, as well as education. Digital inclusion is one of the strategies incorporated in the national vision 2040 that looks at ICT as a platform for improving the livelihoods of our people.

Compared to 4G, which can only support up to 100,000 connected devices in a comparable area, the 5G Network can support up to 1 million linked devices per square kilometer. Because of this, 5G is an excellent network for remote teams to work together on projects like surgery, online classes, live video farming lessons, engineering chores, streaming games, and other entertainment activities.

Owek. “Today we are pleased to witness the key milestone of powering Mengo on Airtel’s 5G which network which showcases Airtel’s innovative approach of creating solutions through technologies that influence socio-economic growth of our region and the entire country,” said Robert Waggwa Nsibirwa, who spoke on behalf of The Katikkiro. “These investments have contributed to the country’s socio-economic growth.”

The deployment of 5G is timely because it will enable our youth to engage in productive initiatives using the reliable internet so that they can positively impact their lives and their communities by leveraging the power of technology, according to Owek. “We have collaborated with Airtel Uganda for the last 10 years through which we have introduced services like the Airtel K2 network and as we mark the 30th Coronation Anniversary of His Majesty Ronald Mutebi, the deployment of 5G is timely,” he continued.

A list of roll out plans will be published on Airtel’s website and social media platforms. In addition to Mengo, Airtel will power another 2500 sites on a site-by-site basis. Customers will be able to use 5G-compatible devices to access the 5G Network.

“In keeping with our new brand promise of helping our communities and Ugandans have A Reason to Imagine, we will continue to roll out products and services and improve our infrastructure, like the 5G deployment we have unveiled today so that we can revolutionize the way people, businesses, and industries connect with an investment aimed at improving their productivity because of the networks super-fast internet speeds,” the company said.

