Development of the Bukasa Inland Port

The development of the Bukasa Inland Port was reported to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni during a meeting on Friday, February 23, 2024. At State House Entebbe, a group from Gauff Engineering lead by Dr. Ulrich Salzer gave the update.


The development of the Bukasa Inland Port was reported to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni during a meeting on Friday, February 23, 2024. At State House Entebbe, a group from Gauff Engineering lead by Dr. Ulrich Salzer gave the update.

Since its founding in 1988, Gauff Engineering has played a significant role in improving socioeconomic and economic frameworks by developing infrastructure both in Africa and worldwide. President Museveni called Gauff Engineering a friend of Uganda and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to working with the company to make sure the Bukasa Inland Port project is successful.

Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala, the Minister of Works and Transport, described the importance of the Bukasa Inland Port and stressed its ability to create a more economical and effective system of commodities transportation. He emphasized the importance of this infrastructure for both Uganda and its neighbors, especially in light of projects like Tanzania’s Standard Gauge Railway, which may lead to an increase in the volume of containerized goods traffic.

Gauff Engineering has been providing consulting services for the port development concept for some time, according to Gen. Katumba. In the first phase of the project, he said that a connection road from Namboole to Bukasa was completed.

President Museveni was briefed on the port’s features, which include a shipyard, industrial park, storage facilities, and connections to the railway and road system, by Emmanuel Winyi Mugamba, the Managing Director of Gauff Consultants Uganda Ltd. The president was briefed by Joern Seitz, the Bukasa Port project director, on the status of the project’s initial phase, which included master planning, road construction, and conceptualization. He outlined the land reclamation and surcharge works that still need to be completed in order to guarantee the port’s complete operation.

