President Museveni Insists On The Proposal To Use Digital Number Plates

At the Kololo Independence Grounds today, the President distributed 2,234 Uganda Prisons Service officers. 200 Cadet Assistant Superintendents of Prisons (CASPs), 318 Cadet Principal Officers (CPOs), and 1,716 Recruit Warders and Wardresses made up the commissioned officers.


The digital motor number plate initiative, according to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, must go as planned in order to effectively combat crime in Uganda.

President Museveni, who is also the Chief Commander of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), stated, “Now, I’m insisting on the issue of electronic number plates; It will be a very big blow to crime because most people move to and from the scene of crime by either a vehicle or a boda boda.

At the Kololo Independence Grounds yesterday, the President distributed 2,234 Uganda Prisons Service officers. 200 Cadet Assistant Superintendents of Prisons (CASPs), 318 Cadet Principal Officers (CPOs), and 1,716 Recruit Warders and Wardresses made up the commissioned officers.

Gen. Museveni highlighted that it will be very difficult for criminals to carry out their current activities if the crime gap is closed through the adoption of digital number plates since getting to and from the crime scene won’t be as easy as it is now.

He insisted that the project must be completed in order to fix the issue. “All those arguments that are going on should come down,” he said.Although I’ve heard they weren’t used in the army, CCTV cameras and the fingerprinting of security force weapons both aid in the fight against crime. I order that every army weapon, like the rest, must have its fingerprints taken. Every gun needs to have its fingerprints taken, he noted, albeit they can be kept apart and may be under military police.

President Museveni, on the other hand, praised the graduates for persisting through their course and offered his congratulations.The Commissioner General of the Uganda Prisons Service, Can. Dr. Johnson Byabashaija, and the prison employees were also commended by President Museveni for reconstructing the prison system from a low point to where it is now.He said, “I want to thank the Commissioner General and his staff for building the prison service from the low level of where it was to what it is now and for contributing to the peace of Uganda.”

According to President Museveni, prisons have four functions: reforming offenders, educating inmates so they have skills they didn’t have before, punishing violators in accordance with the law, and ultimately supporting efforts to create wealth.

Additionally, President Museveni advised the graduates to safeguard their health, embrace the knowledge they had learned throughout training, put it to use wherever they would be stationed, and to be patriotic.

He pledged to provide any necessary equipment and other assistance to the Uganda Prisons Service. He went on to say that while he has no issue with the prisons providing clothing to the military, he will not permit the entry of fabric.

Additionally, President Museveni warned the staff of the Prisons Service not to engage in corruption in the course of their duties.President Museveni advised fighting corruption in all of this since it is an embarrassment and a significant waste of public resources.Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Kahinda Otafiire, Minister of Internal Affairs, thanked the trainees and urged them to display patriotism in their future endeavors.

Dr. Byabashaija congratulated the President on behalf of the Prisons Service, saying that the increase in personnel had significantly improved the force’s performance.He also complimented His Lordship Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, Chief Justice of Uganda, for delivering prompt justice to Ugandans and lowering the proportion of prisoners on remand compared to those on convict.

Dr. Byabashaija expressed concern about the Uganda Prisons Service’s continued lack of access to tractors and other heavy machinery needed to cultivate the land.We need to use the machines because we can’t perform enough farming, he said.

Dr. Byabashaija advised the graduates that if they wanted their jobs to be fulfilling, they should uphold the Prison Service Commission’s basic values.The Chief Justice, His Lordship Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, Auditor General Mr. John Muwanga, senior army and police personnel, among others, attended the pass out event.

