Resuming Oil Drilling Operations at Kingfisher

In abrief statement, Ernest Rubondo, the Executive Director of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda, stated that the Authority had reviewed and realigned the safety standards with the operator for a general improvement in the HSE culture and practices during operations.


The Kingfisher Development Area (KFDA) work suspension has been lifted, according to the Petroleum Authority of Uganda, clearing the door for business to resume there.

“This action has been taken following a thorough review of all standard operating procedures to ensure that all contractors and subcontractors are strictly adhering to the health and safety regulations. In a brief statement, Ernest Rubondo, the Executive Director of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda, stated that the Authority had reviewed and realigned the safety standards with the operator for a general improvement in the HSE culture and practices during operations.

Following a deadly accident at the Kingfisher oil field, China National Offshore Oil Corporation’s (CNOOC) drilling operations were suspended last week due to safety concerns.

A security guard was killed in a car accident on October 6 when he opened the gate of a contractor’s camp in Buhuka, Kyangwali in the Kikuube district.

The security guard was crashed as he opened the gate after searching the truck.

As a precaution, the Petroleum Authority of Uganda commanded that field operations be stopped.

PAU claims that the restart came after the adoption of more precautionary safety measures and the improvement of a comprehensive plan for managing contractor health, safety, and environmental issues.

The Petroleum Authority of Uganda is confident that when the agreed-upon processes are put into practice, everyone would be safe and well during oil and gas operations.

The whole progress of the Kingfisher Oil Development Field project is currently 53% complete, and when it is, the oilfield is anticipated to produce 40,000 barrels per day at its peak.

