Joint UNRA and Ministry of Works Inspection of Katosi Road

Ministry of Works and the Uganda National highways Authority (UNRA) jointly inspected the Mukono-Katosi and Kisoga-Nyenga-Njeru highways. Engineer in Chief Samson Bagonza led the team conducting the inspection, which was carried out in response to a mandate from President Yoweri Museveni.

Solar Streetlights Transform the Dark Streets of Arua City

The initiative involved the procurement of 100 solar streetlights at a cost of Shs678 million, with each unit costing Shs6.7 million, according to Mr. Cornelius Jobile, the deputy city clerk for Arua. The project was financed by the World Bank.

The Elevated Walkway of the Clock Tower Illuminates Kampala Nights

Queens Way’s Clock Tower was surrounded by a pedestrian ring walkway that has excited and relieved both drivers and pedestrians. This week, in conjunction with the next week’s G77+China and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summits, the embedded lights along the walkway’s steel bars came on.

UNRA Cautions on Road Safety

“Driving, or walking through flooded areas is not advisable as it is difficult to determine the depth and strength of the water which can result in loss of property and death,”

Alebtong District Launches Sh1 Billion Road Construction

In this first quarter alone, the government in Alebtong has already given sh250 million, and it will keep doing so until it reaches sh1 billion at the end of the fiscal year, according to Obua.

In order to get the most value for their money, he advised the locals to stay watchful and make sure the roads are properly maintained.