After 40 years, Uganda Airlines made its first trip for the yearly Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
On Monday, June 19, 2023, at 10:00 am East African Standard Time, a flight carrying more than 250 Muslim (first group) pilgrims to Mecca took off.
As the first Ugandan airline to carry out this sacred operation in more than 40 years, the operation of the pilgrimage flight represents a milestone for the national carrier, according to Airline Executive Director Jennifer Bamuturaki.
Speaking to reporters at Entebbe International Airport, Ms. Bamuturaki highlighted that pilgrims who were making this sacred journey utilizing their national airline will also experience a memorable occasion.
500 Muslims from all around Uganda were flown by Uganda Airlines on the Airbus A330 this year, with the inaugural flight departing from Entebbe for Jeddah.

The last time Uganda’s national airline traveled to Mecca was under President Idi Amin’s administration, according to the Minister of Works and Transport Gen Edward Katumba Wamala, who was present to flag off the first batch of pilgrims at Entebbe Airport.
The Ministry of Works and Transport was also congratulated by the third deputy prime minister Rukia Nakadama for allowing Muslims to fly on Uganda Airlines to Mecca.
“I want to thank everyone who has helped Uganda in promoting Uganda Airlines,” the speaker said.
Along with the Shahadah (oath to Allah and Muhammad PBUH), Salat (prayer), Zakat (almsgiving), and Sawm (Ramadan fasting), the Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Every Muslim adult who is physically and financially competent must make the Hajj, or fifth pillar, pilgrimage to Mecca (Saudi Arabia), at least once in their lives.
Millions of Muslims from around the world congregate in Mecca and Medina during one of the most important religious pilgrimages of the year to perform holy rituals and seek spiritual fulfillment.
In July 2023, flights from Medina to Entebbe will be available in reverse.
Uganda Airlines, which began operations in 2019, is the country’s premier national passenger and cargo carrier. In East Africa and nearby international markets, it offers regular aviation service. The World’s Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award was handed to Uganda Airlines in 2020, 2021, and 2022 by Ch-Aviation.