As the world’s technological development, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) advance at a breakneck pace, Uganda, East Africa, and Africa as a whole may have discovered their own technological genius in software developer and entrepreneur Asher Namanya, who has created an exceptional A.I. bot that functions similarly to Chat GPT but provides even more depth because it is more current and suitable for local Ugandan and African content.
Namanya, who already has a number of accomplishments to his name, including a technology company called Pesamoni Limited and an application called Cash Chat that is used throughout the East African region for various transactions, spoke to this media outlet at his modest office in Ntinda, a suburb of Kampala. Namanya has created a prototype that is already being tested by the general public in anticipation of being developed into a full-blown A.I. that should be ready by the end of the year and go commercial early next year.
“So far, our AI has received good feedback.You are 99% likely to receive a thoughtful response when you ask me a question, whether it has to do with arithmetic, logic, English, physics, code, current events on a local and global scale, love and romance, or anything else. It has received a lot of positive feedback thus far from the about 1500 users who have had the opportunity to try it, some of whom have traveled as far as Colombia, China, at home in Uganda, and next-door Kenya.
What sets this A.I. bot apart?
The first is that it can quickly combine millions of bits of information from various websites to give you the most up-to-date and correct answers. For anyone conducting research of any kind, whether for academic or non-academic purposes, our A.I’m going to make a revolution.
The second characteristic that sets Cash Chat A.I apart is the extreme level of detail with which it responds to queries. Namanya claims that the likelihood of receiving a precise response using Cash Chat A.I is 1.
In addition to its ability to learn new things and get better at a respectable rate, it also has a strong command of the language in terms of vocabulary.
Technically speaking, Namanya has an A.Based on the duties and guidelines you enter into it, I can perform some of the coding work that a software engineer performs.
What has so far been accomplished?
Microsoft provided Namanya with server storage space worth $25,000 through its cloud service Azure in appreciation for the abilities of this A.I.
The benefit of this offer, according to Namanya, is that his artificial intelligence (AI) will have access to enough storage space on Azure servers to store the enormous amounts of data—millions and millions of bytes—that it gathers from the internet, as well as to maintain a symbiotic relationship with Microsoft’s AI and other AIs that are also stored on the same servers and from which it can continuously learn.
How Well Does Cash Chat A.I. Work?
Namanya decided to keep it free because it is still being developed, and anyone can try it out at
Along with serving as a kind of office assistant, it can also act as a tutor’s helper and enhance classroom learning by providing pertinent answers to questions as they are asked.
Christians who read the Bible will find that this A.I. provides context and perspective for the verses, enhancing their study and in-depth comprehension of the book.
Making a profit
Namanya intends to make his artificial intelligence (A.I.) commercial when he introduces it formally the following year. Individuals throughout the world will be able to use it for a subscription of one US dollar per month, while businesses will be charged based on the number of users and other criteria that may be involved.
Schools and universities are among the important commercial clients he will be aiming for. According to him, they can integrate artificial intelligence (A.I.) into their library systems where it can work as an assistant and help users navigate more quickly in addition to being able to provide much more content from its vast reach across the web on any academic topic.
According to Namanya, business entities and organizations will be able to create bespoke A.I. versions that will have a thorough awareness of certain organizations, their clients, and other stakeholders, elevating virtual engagement to a whole new level.
According to Namanya, future improvements to the AI will include functionality for converting video to text and vice versa, to name just a few.