Ministry of Lands to Fast-Track Land Digitization System

Our goal is to enter all of the outdated data into the system because, in my opinion, if we digitize all of our records, we will be better able to spot fraud and forgeries as well as anomalies like double plotting and double titling.

Makerere University To Research On The Use Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is able to tell you I’ve seen this number of parasites, I’ve seen this kind of pathology , I’ve seen this bacteria TB or anything and at one point one has to know how many of them has the system been able to recognize such that we can increase your confidence levels.

Government Considers E-Inspection Mechanism For Private Schools

According to Mr. Muyingo, the technology has proven successful in numerous public schools across the nation where it is currently being used.

“Our goal is to ensure that every student completes the curriculum. We cannot exclude private institutions from this discussion because the students they educate are citizens of this nation, he said in an interview on Monday.

Internet Of Things Will Serve More Devices

For instance, we have been testing LoRa WAN technology at the Simplifi Networks headquarters in Bugolobi. This technology can monitor your farm crops for temperature, sun, water in the soil, weather, and compounds in the soil like NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium)

Ugandan Entrepreneur Starts With A.I Leap

So far, our AI has received good feedback.You are 99% likely to receive a thoughtful response when you ask me a question, whether it has to do with arithmetic, logic, English, physics, code, current events on a local and global scale, love and romance, or anything else.